Talk submission dead line is over
29/10/07 08:43 by Gabor Szabo (szabgab)
We have received a total of 15 talks
6 * 20 min
8 * 40 min
1 * 5 min
That's a total of 445 min while we have about 240 + 60 for the posters.
That's great. Now I have to pick which talks to accept and which not.
As I would like to accept most of the talks I have just dispatched requests to the speakers to shorten the 40 minute talks to 20 or 30 minutes or to turn them into showcases/BOFs in poster section.
I know I am a bit late on deciding on the talks but I hope I can do most of it today and then I can announce a preliminary schedule.
I still would like to see more lightening talks (5 minute long talks) and people who would like to to the showcases/BOFs/posters.