Database free Applications
Database free Applications
By Ido Kanner
Date: Monday, 25 February 2013 12:45
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: עברית
Usually applications are designed to have some sort of data storage and set it's
logic accordingly.
Many times, there is more then one application that does the same thing with
the same data, and not always the same database itself.
In this lecture I'm going to explain how to notice such problems, and designing
a better program without fixating on database based application, and also
figuring out when you really need a database and when it's an "over killed"
The lecture will helps brining a new type of mindset into developers, regardless
of any specific platform or field in the industry.
Attended by: Oren Izmirli, Ido Kanner, Ilan Arad, Lary Ecker, Yossi Itzkovich, Michael Tsadikov, Martin Gamboa Garsia, Adam Balali, Roman Ionov,